5 Stocks Under $49

We hear it over and over from investors, “I wish I had bought Amazon or Netflix when they were first recommended by PM Academy. I’d be sitting on a gold mine!” And it’s true

With the recent market drop, it’s important to remember why we’re long-term investors:

If you had invested in Amazon when we sent a “buy alert” at $15.31 per share, you’d be up 21,448%.

Or if you had invested in Netflix when we recommended it at $1.85 per share, you’d be up 27,831%.

And while Amazon and Netflix have had a good run, we think these 5 other stocks are screaming buys. And you can buy them now for less than $49 a share!

You can grab a copy of “5 Growth Stocks Under $49” for FREE for a limited time only.

Don’t look back five years from now, regretting that you failed to act. Simply enter your email below to get immediate access to five free stock picks.

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