How We’re Saving Money During the Pandemic

From fuel to clothing, lifestyle changes in COVID-19 present opportunities to cut spending

When Lori Levy looks back at the past year, she’s painfully aware of what she’s missed out on because of the pandemic. Her son didn’t have an in-person high school graduation, and she’s gone nearly two years without seeing her daughter, who lives in California. 

But there have been small silver linings: she’s saved money on fuel, campus parking and fewer restaurant meals. With the savings, she helped buy her son a car for college and is planning a trip to California later this year.

“It’s just nice to know that you have that money when you need it,” said Levy, a nurse educator in the Clinical Education and Professional Development Department

Lory Levy

Throughout the pandemic, most Duke employees have seen their spending habits altered, resulting in opportunities to save money.

According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Americans’ personal saving rate – the percentage of disposable income that’s saved – went from 8.3 percent in February of 2020 to 33.7 percent in April of 2020. In January of 2021, it remained high at 20.5 percent.

“On one hand, we have murky waters ahead, but on the other hand, people are finding themselves with extra cash,” said Benjamen Parker, a retirement planner with Fidelity, the primary record keeper for Duke’s Faculty and Staff Retirement Plan. “So now, they want to know what they should do with this extra money?”

As you ponder how the pandemic has shaped your financial situation, consider how some colleagues have found ways to save money.


When he speaks to Duke employees seeking financial advice, Parker often starts with recommending people build a household budget.

If you haven’t done so already, a budget is the easiest way to see where your money goes and make sure that it covers important expenses and priorities, such as retirement and emergency savings. 

Fidelity recommends using the 50/15/5 approach, where 50 percent of your income goes to essentials, 15 to retirement savings and five for emergency savings. The ideal amount of emergency savings would be enough to cover three-to-six months of expenses.

When it comes to the extra money saved from pandemic-related lifestyle changes, Parker recommends using the money to pay off high-interest debt such as credit cards or to build up an emergency savings fund or increase your retirement contribution.

After a year-long suspension of contributions to the faculty and staff retirement plan due to the financial pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic, contributions will return as scheduled on July 1, 2021.


With a whiteboard, multiple computer monitors and constellations of sticky notes on her wall, Emily Jackson has built a home workspace that has plenty of the touches of her on-campus office in Erwin Square.

A major advantage for her home office is that Jackson can wear whatever she’d like while working there, including comfortable sweatpants and casual shirts. That’s had an effect on Jackson’s finances as she doesn’t need to shop for new expensive work clothes or get her slacks, sweaters and blazers dry cleaned.

Prior to the pandemic, Jackson spent around $30 to $50 per week on dry cleaning.

“That’s definitely a savings for me,” said Jackson, a senior regulatory coordinator for the Duke School of Medicine’s Pediatrics Department.

Jackson also said she’s appreciated not having to buy as many clothes, and if she ends up working on-site again, she hopes to keep her savings momentum going.

“When I look at my clothes, I just think, why did I need so much stuff?” Jackson said. “I think I’ll be more frugal once we go back.”


When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, John Owens’ position as a senior IT analyst with Duke’s Office of Information Technology, went remote, meaning he no longer had to make the roughly 70-minute round trip commute from his home in Mebane to his office in the American Tobacco Campus.

Before the pandemic, he’d fill up the tank in his Nissan Frontier pickup truck about once every 10 days. He estimates that the cost was around $150 a month. Now he can go several weeks between fill-ups. He said he’s used the extra money to build up his savings.

Data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis shows that in the fourth quarter of 2020, Americans spent $88.2 billion less on gasoline and other energy goods than they did in the fourth quarter of 2019. 

of restaurant lunches at work, and “Obviously, all of us were scared at first because we didn’t know how this was going to go and how it would affect us individually,” Owens said. “But finding positives anywhere has definitely been good.”


Prior to the pandemic, Emily James, a regional development director for Duke University Development, would spend around half of her workdays on the road, strengthening Duke’s connections to alumni, parents and friends in places such as Chicago, Pittsburgh, Indiana, Iowa and South Carolina. The rest of the time, she’d be at her downtown Durham workspace.

“Our office was in One City Center, which was great because it gave us access to a million restaurants,” she said. 

Now that she’s working from home, James estimates that she’s saving around $30 to $50 per week by not eating out during the day. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.

reported that in the fourth quarter of 2020, Americans spent $194.9 billion less on food service and accommodations than they did in the fourth quarter of 2019.

James has been putting that savings to good use as it helped cover the cost of a tutor who would visit her house a few times a week to help her children who – until they returned to in-person learning in February – were completing their kindergarten and second grade schooling online.

“I was grateful to have her,” James said of the tutor. “She was a huge help.”

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