Financial Expert Julian Frere Advocates for Revolutionary Bitcoin Home Based Opportunity

Julian Frere a chartered financial planner at TPO advocates for revolutionary Bitcoin home based opportunity to improve the living standards of British families. A lot of Brits who got lost financially during Covid decided not to go back to their everyday job and resort to trade in crypto where they are making considerable returns.

Julian Frere

Julian Frere

Going by last week’s information leaked about Julian Frere, a financial planner at TPO and a 5 star rated expert in money advice, he is also making a substantial fortune from bitcoin trading despite being a venture he had advised people in Britain to be very cautious about.

While talking to Rose Hill from the Daily Mail, Julian shared the primary reason for investing and encouraging British families to invest in Bitcoin.

He believes that this new venture will stabilize any family financially in the UK. Despite not being the mastermind of this whole idea, Julian has invested at least £2.2M into this new program which allows people without prior knowledge and with relatively small capital to make trades in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and enjoy its high profitability.

During a Forbes interview, Julian admitted that in 2020, over half of the income generated by his business was from the investment he made with Bitcoin Profit-Way. Profits from Bitcoin were more than the revenue earned from his partnership at the leading privet office TPO (

Bitcoin, which has increased by over 3,000% in the last few years, is now the hottest investment since the dot-com. It’s not only safe but also a stable asset in the face of political unrest being experienced across the world. This has triggered the increase in Bitcoin demand, making the Crypto World explode with much potential. It is fully decentralized and guarantees protection and full autonomy over your money, which, according to Julian Frere, is what the United Kingdom needs to adapt to.

But how did Julian come across this revolutionary Bitcoin opportunity?

In a recent interview, he revealed that when he heard about this idea, he simply fell in love with it and took advantage of the opportunity. For him, this was to be an avenue through which thousands of British people’s lives would be changed.

“A new way to live has emerged that 99.9% of the UK’s population is unaware of. Times are tough, taxes are high and jobs are scarce. This program will give you access to this new economy and the opportunity to be your own boss.”

Julian Frere 5 star rating
Julian Frere 5 star rating from:

“If you had invested just $100  in Bitcoin back in 2010 you would now enjoy dividends of $7 Million Dollars!”

But the Crypto World is still facing some serious opposition, especially from the banks. Julian argued that the banks want to stop an average worker from accumulating wealth outside their own established system. He further admitted to continuing educating more people and encouraging them to invest in Bitcoin trading, regardless of the hate he was receiving from the banks for making this venture accessible to people.

Families should create multiple income streams for a better financial future
Families should create multiple income streams for a better financial future

Bitcoin trading is gaining popularity in the UK, about 2.3 million Britons hold cryptocurrencies today despite warning of risk, and most British families are now making a considerable amount of money. However, Julian advises any aspiring investor in this program to be time conscious. According to him, this opportunity will not last for a long time, and most British people are likely to miss out. And with a few weeks, maybe months remaining to make holiday cash, economists are encouraging people to seize this opportunity,

But is it true?

Fiona Presley, a 37-year-old single mom of 2 boys from Stevenage, can give a comprehensive answer. She became unemployed last year in October, but fortunately for her, she was invited to take part in the beta test of this program this year in January after coming across an advertisement on Facebook.

Fiona Presley and her boys

But she invested in it, which became one of the best decisions in her life. She started by watching a video then signing up, which was an easy and exciting experience just to learn something new. Fast-forward, Fiona makes about £4,500 every month. She receives money from Bitcoin Profit-Way by demand directly to her new crypto wallet.

The Bitcoin Profit-Way allows you to trade just like in the stock market. But since it is a market that is not fully tapped, there is no cut-throat competition. It is for that reason people like Fiona are making a lot of money from this opportunity. She is even much happier, and her kids can see that their toy chest is now exploding with more toys than ever.

Getting Started

To get started, you will need a smartphone, tablet, or computer with reliable internet access. There are no specific skills that you require, as long as you are computer literate, and you can browse the internet. You are free to choose the hours you want to trade, which can range from 1 hour to 50 hours per week. On top of it all, you can get a dedicated guide to help maximize your results.

Registration on BTC Profit-Way was quick indeed, it took me only 2 minutes to complete the signup process and another 15 minutes to open my first crypto wallet. (it was my first time doing so I got help from their support, it was free and they were very helpful)

BTC Profit-Way
BTC Profit-Way. Crypto trading program.

To activate the account, I’ve made the initial deposit of £400 pounds using my credit card (Minimum was £249). My account was activated immediately after the deposit so I decided to turn on the auto trading option and browse around to see if they have any other options available.

After only 4 weeks, BTC Profit-Way displayed a total of £11,394.28 in profit, and I started only with the initial deposit of £400 pounds, this is unbelievable!

BTC Profit-Way live account.
BTC Profit-Way live account.

I decided to withdraw most of my profits, so I had BTC Profit-Way pay out £11,000 to my PayPal account. The remaining amount I decided to keep on to generate more money.

9 hours later, I’ve received an email from Paypal saying that I’ve received £11,000 from BTC Profit-Way, I checked my Paypal right away to confirm it and the money was there!

PayPal account
$11,000.00 arrived from BTC Profit-Way to my Paypal account

Julian Frere is inspired by all the success stories from the people who have ventured into Bitcoin Profit-Way and are now making a significant amount of money. He hopes that more people across the nation will adopt this new program.

If you are looking to start trading Bitcoin, Profit-Way is the ultimate crypto solution; everything you need to invest in one holistic offering: trading platform, exchange, wallet, personal portfolio management and more…

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