Learn How to Invest in a Down Market

Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.

Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.

Those prophetic and reassuring words were uttered by none other than Warren Buffett himself, at the peak of the 2008 financial crisis, urging savvy investors to stay the course and trust the market.

And look what happened: exponential growth in the markets, record profits, incredible returns for everyday investors.

Within the past two years, both the S&P 500 and the Dow reached all-time highs, and Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, and Microsoft surpassed $1 trillion in market cap.

However, the impact of the novel coronavirus and the quarantine that followed brought the market down in record fashion, leaving investors panicked and uncertain. 

Well… some investors… 

Because I know a team of investors who think this could be one of the greatest buying opportunities for individual investors.

And they should know. After all, they were urging investors to remain calm throughout the last market crash a dozen years ago.

And investors who followed their advice saw stocks including Apple, Cintas, Marvel (now Walt Disney), and Illumina skyrocket! 

I’m talking, of course, about the talented stock picking team at The Motley Fool.

The Motley Fool was founded over 25 years ago, as a service that would help everyday investors beat the market. 

And we knew that even though there are times when the market laughs in our faces, investors who stay the course tend to have the last laugh. 

Just take it from one of our founders…

“You know, one year in three in market history, the market has dropped. That’s just the game we’re playing. But as I’ve often said in the past, and I’ll say it again right here: Stocks always go down faster than they go up, but they always go up more than they go down.” 

So I think you can see why our team has come up with a report detailing five stocks they think are perfectly positioned to buy right now. 

And what’s more… they’ve made this report free to members of their Stock Advisor service.

What’s Stock Advisor, you ask? 

It’s the investing service that recommends two new stocks every month and follows up with daily analysis and coverage to help you stay one step in front of the talking heads on CNBC and Fox Business.

Remember earlier when I mentioned Apple, Cintas, Marvel, and Illumina? 

Well, here are the returns of those four stocks, all recommended at the height of the 2008 financial crisis:

  • Apple, recommended in June 2008, is up 2,674%.
  • Illumina, recommended in July 2008, is up 1,100%.
  • Marvel (now Walt Disney), recommended in December 2008, is up 1,090%.
  • Cintas, recommended in December 2008, is up 2,033%.

Not too bad at all… 

In fact, the average stock recommended in Stock Advisor is up 588.5%, more than quadrupling the market since inception. 

So to prepare investors in this crucial time, our team of expert analysts have come up with five stocks they think are perfectly positioned in this down market.

If you’ve ever looked back and wished you’d invested in the market during the last downturn, this could be the opportunity to invest in five great companies that have a clear path forward…

Because while the best time to invest was yesterday… the next best time is today.

To help investors who may still be on the edge, we are offering this list to all Stock Advisor members – free with their membership.

To join today and access this list of Five Stocks for a Down Market, simply click below!

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